Organize a blood drive

How can you help organize a blood drive with Star Wars costumers?

All you need to do is follow these steps!

  1. Call your local blood center, and find out how much time they need to schedule a blood drive for a specific location. Most blood centers plan blood drives at least 3 to 5 months in advance.
  2. Talk with your blood center about possible locations for a blood drive. Because children love to meet their favorite characters from the Star Wars movies, consider family-friendly locations such as schools, libraries, public meeting centers, children’s hospitals, or even your local blood center or blood bank.
  3. Contact your local chapters of the 501st Legion, Rebel Legion, Mandalorian Mercs, or other Star Wars costumer club and invite them to participate in the blood drive. Most clubs have websites that include calendars for their upcoming appearances. Before you request their attendance at a blood drive, consult their calendar to make sure they’re available.
  4. Use online social media to promote the blood drive. Your blood center may also help you out with designing, printing, and distributing posters for the blood drive.
  5. Invite your friends and other Star Wars fans to the blood drive.
  6. Have fun! And may the Force be with you!